- Caleb-meister
- Mister Bister
- Lublub
- Baby
- Caleb Bacon
- Bacon Bacon Bacon who lives on Bacon Lane
The fish was THIS big (Age 4)
- Baked Potato
- Hairnet
- Eye Candy
- Patrick
- Squidword
- Barking Man
- Drowning Man
- Drowning Woman
- Big Mean Guy
- Math Man
- Orange Shorts
- Jet Master
- Cannonball
- Myrtle the Turtle
- Noodle Nazi
- The Boobs
- The Braid
- Shoulders
- New Shoulders
- Sleeves
- Stallion
- Velcro Max
- Karate Joe
- Fins
- Sexy Scars
- The Village People
- Hot Dad
- New Hottie
- Back Tat
Lists of All the Things You've Never Wondered About