- Because you woke up this morning
- To cheer up someone else
- When you think of someone special
- Your best childhood memory
- Libraries are full of free books
- When you hear a child laugh
- Because there are green trees and smiling flowers on this planet
- The night is full of stars and moonlight and lovely silence
- It’s scientifically proven to elevate your mood
- Beauty is everywhere if you look hard enough
- You have internet access
- You will probably eat a meal today
- Most likely more than one
- Sunshine
- Late spring smells like rain and earth and allergies
- When you go on a walk
- When you go to your job
- When a complete stranger smiles at you first
- Because life is too short to spend in a foul mood
- Because today is an opportunity to do something you’ve never done before
- Because you choose to be happy

Lists of All the Things You've Never Wondered About