- Emerald green corn taller than me, growing outside my front door
- Sunshine
- Perfect puffy clouds on a bright blue day
- The pool at my apartment complex
- The new novel I’m working on which is a lot of fun and a great challenge
- My laptop
- Sprint’s truly Unlimited Data plan
- My family and friends who mean more than I could ever say
- The Amazon gift card sitting next to me this moment
- Books to read
- Libraries to get those books for free
- Book stores to take those books home and keep
- Meaningful work
- Everyone who supports Wendy’s Butterfly Garden at the Quad City Botanical Center
- Oranges
- Hawaii
- Beaches
- Enough money to pay bills
- Caramel covered anything
- God’s mercies poured upon me
- My twenty one year old son who is the Best Kid Ever (Except for Jesus)
Lists of All the Things You've Never Wondered About