Things I Miss About My BFF Wendy

  1. Her laugh – the way she would throw her head back and clap her hands together and laugh with her whole soul
  2. Her ability to get things done.  Now.
  3. Her willingness to stop whatever she was doing to do something more important for her friends.
  4. Her enthusiasm for life.
  5. Her refusal to let the cancer define her as a person.
  6. Her stubborness.  It’s a trait we share.
  7. Her slightly naughty sense of humor, which probably most of you didn’t get to see.
  8. Her all encompassing love for her children, all 5 of them.
  9. Lunch at Chi-chis.  Or Bishops.  Or Hardees.
  10. Girls time in DesMoines with all 3 of us BFFs
  11. The way she never ever ever complained about anything.  Not the cancer, not her divorce, not the chemo, not even at the end.
  12. Her drive and ambition.
  13. Her cream cheese mints.
  14. Planning events with her.
  15. When she would load up all the 8 million kids and take them to her house to make cookies.
  16. How she always told me the truth.  Always.  No matter whether I wanted to hear it or not.
The 3 of us -